Do you disagree with a decision made by the municipality? Then you can file a notice of objection with the municipality.


Submit your objection to us online. Is this not possible? Then you may also do it in writing. Do this within 6 weeks after publication of the decision, otherwise we cannot process the objection. Do this even if you are still in consultation with the handling official. 

Digital submission

Please use the digital form for this purpose. For this, you will need DigiD. Go through the simple steps and agree to further contact via email. You will then no longer receive paper mail. Do you give us permission to contact you by e-mail? Please also check the in-box and spam-box of your e-mail.
Important: you cannot submit an objection with an e-mail.

Submit in writing

You can also send your objection by post (or fax) to:
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen
Postbus 1
6400 AA Heerlen
Fax: (045) 560 39 53.

Always put in your objection:

  • What decision you are objecting to
  • the date and reference of the decision you are objecting to (enclose a copy of the decision)
  • your name, address and place of residence
  • why you object
  • your signature
  • An authorization if you are objecting on behalf of someone else


You have no costs during the appeal process.
You may choose to hire witnesses, experts or a lawyer. If so, ask what the costs are.
Are you proven right and does the municipality revoke the decision? Then the municipality must pay part of your costs. You must submit your request for reimbursement before there is a decision on your appeal.


The municipality may make a decision with which you disagree. For example: your application for a grant or permit has been rejected. Or you do not agree with the exemption granted to your neighbor. You can then lodge an objection.

You can send your objection to the person who made the decision. For example:

  • the college of mayor and aldermen
  • the mayor
  • the city council
  • a department of the municipality

Are you objecting to a decision that is not addressed to you? 

Then the interested party (for example, a permit holder) receives a copy of your objection with your name, address and place of residence. Other personal data such as the BSN number we paint black. 


The most important Requirements to file an objection against a decision:

  • The decision is in writing.
  • The decision belongs to the municipality.
  • You have a direct interest in the decision.
  • You disagree with the decision.
  • You think there should be a decision. 


You file an objection with the municipality within 6 weeks after the announcement of the decision.
The municipality will process your objection after the objection period has expired. The municipality then has 6 weeks.
The municipality can extend this term once.
Do this in time, otherwise the municipality cannot handle your objection. This also applies if you are still in consultation with the official handling the objection. Send a preliminary objection. In it you indicate that you will explain your objection.

Objection and appeal

Do you disagree with the decision on your appeal? Then you can appeal to the court.

Or are you looking?