Heerlen expresses its appreciation for the many informal caregivers who care for their loved ones day in, day out. Are you a care recipient (in need of care) and would you like to thank your informal caregiver(s) for the care they provide? Health ? Then you can MantelzorgcomplimentPLUS applications. In May we always pay the informal care compliment automatically. Applications can be submitted from June.
Did you not receive a letter? Then apply for the informal care complement yourself or contact team Income by phone: 045 - 560 43 33.
- The care recipient and/or his/her legal representative requests it MantelzorgcomplimentPLUS on. This person will receive €200 and all information about practical support.
- Complete the online application form.
- Upload a copy of the IDs of the caregiver and the caregiver.
- Upload a copy of the caregiver's bank statement. The account holder's name and account number must be clearly legible. All financial information may be covered/striked through. You may also attach a clear copy of the bank card instead of the bank statement.
- Upload a letter from the family caregiver saying they agree with your completed information for the application. This must include first and last name of the caregiver. The informal caregiver's BSN number and the sentence: I declare that I agree to the application for the informal care compliment and the signature of the informal caregiver.
After requesting the application form, the care recipient will receive a letter from the municipality of Heerlen stating whether you have received the MantelzorgcomplimentPLUS gets.