Environmental permit application

Do you have a business that places a heavy burden on the environment? Then you need an environmental permit. You can apply for this via the Omgevingsloket.


Contact the municipality to discuss your plans. Do this well before you apply for the permit. This will give your application a better chance of success

Here's how to apply for an environmental permit

  • Go to the Environment Counter.
  • Do the permit check.
  • You can then apply for the permit immediately.
  • Log in with eRecognition.
  • Depending on the type of business and how big it is, you pass on:
    • an acoustic report
    • a soil investigation report
    • an odor report
    • an energy report
    • a map
    • A business plan in which you explain the business activities
  • You indicate whether you have consulted with stakeholders. These are those on whom your plans have a direct or indirect impact, for example local residents. Also let us know how this was done. And what you have done with the outcome.


For the costs of components of the environmental permit, please see the Fees Regulation 2025.


Businesses that have a heavy environmental impact need an environmental permit. You may need this if, for example, your company:

  • consumes a lot of energy
  • pollutes the air
  • noise pollution
  • odour nuisance

You do not need an environmental permit if your business has little impact on the environment. Examples include offices, healthcare facilities, general practices and playgroups.

Sometimes you apply to the province for a permit or make a notification there. This usually involves larger companies, such as chemical plants. Would you like to know more about this? Then contact the province.

The environmental permit may have disadvantages for nature. This is because the preservation of protected areas, plant or animal species may be at risk. Indicate this clearly in the application. You then have the following choice:

  • You apply to the province for an environmental permit for nature. The province only assesses the impact on nature. The province may impose special requirements, such as ecological guidance. You then apply to the municipality for an environmental permit. The municipality then does not assess the consequences for nature.
  • You apply to the municipality for an environmental permit. You also indicate that you want to apply for an environmental permit for nature. This is called a multiple application. With a multiple application, the municipality asks the province for advice on the consequences for nature. The municipality will include the province's advice in the decision on your application. Does the province give a negative advice? Then the municipality rejects your permit application.

For an environmental permit, the ordinary procedure usually applies. In some specific cases, the extended procedure applies.


The prerequisite for applying for an environmental permit is that your business places a heavy burden on the environment. For example:

  • sewage treatment plants with a sludge digestion plant
  • junkyards that also scrap trucks
  • farms using a propane tank


Ordinary procedure: you will receive the decision within 8 weeks. The municipality may extend this period once by 6 weeks.

Extended procedure: the application and draft permit are published and made available for inspection for 6 weeks. During this period, interested parties may submit written or oral comments. After the public inspection period, the application and final permit are published and made available for inspection for another 6 weeks. The extensive procedure takes a maximum of 6 months.

Objection and appeal

Are you the applicant or have you responded to the application and draft permit? Then you can appeal to the court. You may be able to appeal afterwards.

Is there no response within the 6-week appeal period? Then the permit is final.