Report unusual occurrence

Unusual occurrences are incidents in a company where environmental damage occurs or may occur. Or incidents with other serious consequences for the environment. You report the incident as soon as possible to municipality.


This is how you report the unusual incident:

  • You complete the form as soon as possible:
  • In this we ask:
    • the cause and circumstances of the incident
    • what substances were released
    • data important for assessing environmental impacts
    • measures to prevent, mitigate or undo environmental impacts
    • measures to prevent recurrence of the incident


Unusual occurrences may happen at your company. These are incidents that cause or threaten environmental damage. For example, fires, explosions, incidents where harmful substances may be released (leakage) or malfunctions in the company's plant or production process.

You immediately take measures to prevent or minimize the environmental consequences. You also consider how to prevent recurrence

By reporting the incident, the municipality:

  • Quickly identify and mitigate potential environmental impacts
  • gain a better understanding of the processes and installations within companies


You report the unusual incident as:

  • it involves an incident that deviates from the normal business process
  • the incident may have negative effects on the surrounding area, such as environmental damage
  • those impacts on the environment are quite significant

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Environmental notification