Is something not working or broken in your street, neighborhood or town? Is something bothering you? We would appreciate it if you could report it to us online. For example: garbage, pollution, greenery, maintenance, flooding, traffic, smoothness, leaves, fireworks, animals or companies that do not comply with environmental regulations.

Arrange online

Emergency notification?

Call: 045-5605040


Please provide the location as precisely as possible. We will then take care of it quickly. Think for example of the nearest house number or in case of a light pole failure the pole number. 


Reporting nuisances to the municipality is free of charge.
The cost of pest control on your own property is at your own expense. 

The cost of rat control:

  • Is the cause of the problem on municipal land?   
    Then the costs are for the municipality. We take measures, as example:
    • repairing the sewage system
    • collection of (litter) waste
    • pruning or removal of greenery
    • placement of clap traps
  • Is the cause on the premises of the resident or a company?
    The responsibility and costs of the nuisance lie with the owner.


What you can report

You can report nuisances in your residential area to us such as:

  • a broken road surface or loose sidewalk tile
  • non-working traffic light or street lights
  • litter/dumped waste
  • a broken traffic sign or pole
  • flooding
  • damage to street furniture, such as planters, park benches and playground equipment
  • traffic congestion or a dangerous traffic situation
  • graffiti
  • overdue maintenance of public green spaces
  • Undermining and suspicious situation
  • nuisance from noise, youth, beggars, homeless and addicts
  • neighbor nuisance
  • environmental notification
  • stray animals
  • protected animals
  • cadavers/dead animal
  • pests
  • dog poop 
  • weeds
  • smoothness