Selling on the street or at the door

For the sale of small items on the street or at the door, you do not need a fixed location, therefore no pitch permit. You do need permission if you want to sell ice cream, flowers or sandwiches, for example. Also take a valid ID with you when you take your merchandise onto the street.

Do you want to sell small items on the street or at the door? Then ask for permission from the municipality.


Permission to sell on the street or at the door is free. 


To sell small items on the street or at the door, such as ice cream, flowers or sandwiches, you do not need a fixed location. Nor do you need a peddling license for this. However, there are some conditions.


Peddling is not allowed:

  • If public order (nuisance/nuisance), public safety and public health are endangered
  • on Monday through Saturday before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m. and all day on Sunday
  • The prohibition does not apply to the extent that the subject matter regulated therein is provided for by Article 5 of the 1994 Road Traffic Act.
  • The prohibition does not apply to the offering for sale and sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages suitable for immediate consumption on Sundays and holidays.

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