Report rat nuisance

Have you seen rats or found clear traces of a rat (rat hole or droppings)? Please report this to the municipality immediately.
Report the location as precisely as possible. Then we will take care of it quickly. For example, name a house number in the neighborhood.
A pest control company will conduct an investigation. This company will make an appointment with you as reporter to take a look at the situation.


Reporting nuisances to the municipality is free of charge:

  • Is the cause of the problem on municipal land?   
    The costs are for the municipality. We take a measure depending on the cause of the nuisance, for example:
    • repairing the sewage system
    • removal of (litter) waste
    • pruning or removal of greenery
    • placement of clap traps
  • Is the cause on the premises of the resident or a company?
    The responsibility as well as the cost of stopping the nuisance lies with the owner.


Help prevent nuisance

The rat is the king of reproduction; it can provide many offspring quickly. The rat is also a pathogen and can carry viruses, bacteria or parasites that can make people sick. So it is important to identify and deal with rat nuisance in time!
Our behavior has a major impact on rat infestation. Examples include storing garbage in bags outside containers, not cleaning up dog waste and flushing food waste down the toilet or sink. Prevention is better than cure, so follow our tips below.


  • Store your pets' food properly and clean up your dog's poop.
  • Repair or replace broken sewer pipes, downspouts, vents and tiles.
  • Seal holes and cracks in and around your home.
  • Offer waste according to Rd4's offering rules.


  • Keep waste outside closed containers and lockable trash cans.
  • Spreading poison yourself. It is bad for the environment, rats can become resistant and it can poison other animals.
  • Do not flush food down the toilet or sink. Brown rats live in the sewers and welcome this source of food.

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