Privacy Statement

When you complete products digitally through the website or request care, help or support at municipality , we often use your personal information. You can trust us to handle this information with care. All employees must comply with the rules of privacy legislation and our privacy policy. This also applies to the institutions and agencies with which municipality cooperates.

This is how we handle your personal information

Personal information is needed to provide help. We want to involve you in this as much as possible and inform you clearly. We never ask for more data than necessary. We never use the data for a purpose other than that discussed with you or permitted by law.

Only with permission or based on legal authority

We only record, retrieve, view or share personal information with others with your permission or based on legal obligations. For example, if you report your move, we are required to automatically pass this on to government agencies and ministerially designated bodies such as your health insurer.

Your privacy as a user of this website

The municipality Heerlen respects your privacy as a visitor to our website and we ensure that the personal information you provide via web forms is treated confidentially and in accordance with the law. Some products can be handled digitally. To do so, you must provide data or use a DigiD. Once you are logged in, the data is automatically encrypted and sent via a 'secure' connection.

Your visit to the website of the municipality Heerlen may be entirely anonymous. However, the municipality is interested in data that provides insight into visitor behavior of our users. This data might include which pages are visited most frequently, at what time of day most visitors come, how long visitors stay on the site, etc. This is completely anonymous and has the sole purpose of continuously improving the website.

Do you suspect that your privacy has been violated?

If you suspect that municipality Heerlen has violated your privacy, please contact our Data Protection Officer. Who can be reached at municipality@heerlen .nl or tel: 045-5605040.

Learn more

Want to know more about privacy policies or how to protect your personal information? Please check the website of personal data authority.