Sewer connection request

The municipality takes care of connecting your home, business or building to the sewer system. Are you not yet connected to the sewer system? Then make an application to the municipality.


Do you need a sewer connection for a remodel? Or for another activity for which you need a permit? Read the conditions before you apply.

Here's how to apply for a sewer connection:

  • Please contact municipality if you have any questions before filling out the form. You can do so by phone 045-5605040 or by email municipality@heerlen .nl 
  • Complete the application form with
    • your contact details
    • The location, sizes, material and type of your connection
    • A drawing of the piping and stormwater facility
    • the number of connections
    • the reason for the connection
    • if applicable: the water test


You pay the cost of construction and connection yourself.

Rate 2024

To connect the house sewer to the municipal sewer you pay per dwelling :

  • €835.87 including VAT - for the first connection
  • € 585.14 including VAT - for each subsequent connection


Most buildings in the municipality are connected to the sewer system.

The municipality:

  • Maintains and lays sewer.
  • Provides for the connection of buildings to the sewer system.

The municipality provides your connection up to your own property. From there, you must take care of it yourself.

Do you want to know how deep the sewer is? Where the sewer pipe should leave the plot? The number and type of connections you should have: primary and/or secondary? For these questions, too, you should visit municipality .


The main conditions

  • Water flows from top to bottom. Make sure your sewer pipe on the property line is higher than the public sewer line
  • For rainwater drainage, use brown/red PVC pipes. See separate rules for siphonic drainage below.
  • For dry weather drainage (dirty water), use gray PVC pipes.
  • Work cannot begin until the permit is paid.
  • The permit remains valid for 1 year. If the fees are not paid within that year, the permit will expire.

Is your sewer pipe not higher than the sewer line at municipality?

  • Make provision on your own property; for example, install a pump.
  • The municipality is not liable for damage, on your or anyone else's property, due to this sewer connection.
  • You are responsible for any damage that the municipality may receive from this connection.


If the stormwater and wastewater sewers have been constructed on your property, submit the following information by mail within 4 weeks of construction. (municipality@heerlen .nl )

  • Clear photos of stormwater supply and wastewater sewer system
  • A drawing or sketch of the stormwater facility and wastewater sewer system. On it you indicate:
    • clear dimensions
    • altitude
    • material use
    • diameters (thicknesses) of the pipes


  • Before conducting the water test, contact the municipality: Att n: City Engineers, Water and Sewer Department.
  • Stormwater runoff is subject to the rules in the Stormwater Ordinance. 
  • For building plans (spatial initiatives) with a paved surface area (roofs and pavement) less than or equal to 100 m2, no stormwater facility is required.
    • For building plans with a paved area larger than 100 m2 but less than or equal to 200 m2, the rule applies that rainwater and wastewater must be drained via separate pipes to the property boundary.
    • Building plans with a surface area greater than 200 m2 must go through a water assessment procedure. The water test is part of the permit application.
  • The water test is used to determine how rainwater should be treated.
  • Conducting a water test is specialized work best outsourced to a consulting firm. It consists of a soil survey and a calculation of the size of the stormwater system. The calculation also includes a drawing of the stormwater system.
  • The water test is reviewed by Waterschap Limburg and by municipality Heerlen against the principles of the stormwater ordinance. The permit cannot be granted until the water test has been approved.
  • Carrying out the water test takes a lot of time. The turnaround time is several months: performing soil testing and performing calculations by a consulting firm, checking by water board and municipality. Keep this in mind in your planning.
  • The website provides examples for stormwater collection and infiltration.

Watertoets: information for consulting firms