Subsidy for disconnecting stormwater

You can get a subsidy for collecting rainwater such as rain, snow and hail. For example, you collect the rainwater in: basins, water barrels, rain pond or underground cisterns. This disconnection subsidy is for private property owners, not tenants. The application goes through Waterklaar. An advisor from the WoonWijzerWinkel Limburg can help you with the subsidy application. 


Subsidy can be arranged at Waterklaar.


Disconnecting means not letting rainwater from paved surfaces of your building flow through the downspout into the sewer system. In many places, rainwater flows through the gutter and downspout directly into the sewer system. This can cause flooding. On the website Waterklaar. nl there are many tips to prevent water nuisance. Together we take up the challenge to stop discharging rainwater to the sewer, but to keep it where it falls. With simple means and a favorable subsidy scheme, you can make your garden water-ready.


The Requirements are:

  • You are a private property owner. This disconnection subsidy is not for renters
  • It involves an existing building or existing pavement
  • the area to be disconnected is at least 20m2
  • rainwater now flows into the mixed sewer system
  • disconnection must be done responsibly
  • the disconnection should not cause inconvenience to others, such as to adjacent land
  • per address, we only subsidize disconnection once
  • After disconnecting you may not reconnect again