Sports support and subsidy

We support sports clubs and other sports providers, which in turn make Heerlen a more sporty city. 


Do you have questions, want to talk to someone about this or need help? Then contact the association support person at Heel Heerlen Beweegt


Sports associations and other sports providers are increasingly faced with :

  • more complex regulations
  • a sharp decline in membership
  • fewer volunteers and
  • new national and local developments

Grants for sports providers are for:

  • youth members of a sports club
  • organization of sporting events


  • You are a Heerlen sports provider or your sports offer is aimed at Heerlen residents with disabilities.


The association support person will contact you within a few days.

If you apply for a grant, the municipality will make a decision on your application within 12 weeks. 

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.