Appreciation Grant

This grant appreciates foundations, associations and interest groups for carrying out social activities that the municipality considers important. The municipality decides whether you will receive a contribution and in what form.


You can apply for the grant every year. Apply on time. We reserve a fixed amount per year.
Fill in the information properly and provide the attachments, otherwise this may affect the amount of the subsidy.

The attachments to be provided are:

  • a copy of the extract from the Chamber of Commerce
  • the statutes
  • a membership list of dues-paying active athletes broken down by youth members, disabled members (19 and older) and other members
  • a copy of the competition schedule of youth members and disabled members who play competition matches outside Limburg

Application submission date by social area: 

  • amateur art no later than March 1
  • amateur sports no later than April 1
  • First aid no later than Feb. 1
  • children's holiday work no later than March 1
  • social participation no later than March 1
  • Environment Nature and Environment by February 1 at the latest.
  • open youth work no later than March 1
  • scouting no later than Feb. 1


Examples of appreciation grants include drama, singing, music, sports, youth work, scouting, children's holiday work, first aid, meeting activities for the elderly or nature and environmental education.

Do you think you qualify for a contribution? Then check whether you meet the Requirements meets.


  • Only non-profit organizations or interest groups can receive grants.
  • The activities fit within the policy choices made by the council and the college.
  • You explain what you want to achieve with the financial resources you have. This includes the grant.
  • You explain what you will do to achieve this goal.
  • Everyone within the target group should be able to participate in the activities; regardless of philosophy of life, race or sexual preference. Exceptions are activities with an emancipatory purpose.
  • Activities must not be contrary to law, the public interest and/or public order.

The board may determine that you must join an umbrella organization. Additional requirements may also apply per social area. Requirements are. These Requirements are stated in the policy rules.


The municipality will make a decision on your application within 12 weeks of the deadline.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.