Spreading routes during winter slipperiness

In winter weather, the gritters drive on all main roads, important roads in the districts (district access roads) and in places that must remain easily accessible. The municipality spreads grit on carriageways and cycle paths. We do not spread grit on internal roads, such as side roads, residential areas or roads where mainly local traffic drives. Spreading grit is only useful if the salt is driven over frequently. We also do not spread grit on pavements and footpaths. View the gritting routes on the Map .

Map Gritting routes

Enjoying snow fun again this winter?

Do pay attention in traffic! Tips:

  • Ice on the car window? Then the chances of slipperiness are high.
  • Allow for localized slipperiness in places such as wind-blown areas or bridges.
  • Drive slowly and keep your distance on slippery roads.
  • Do not overtake gritters.
  • Consider winter tires for your car. It really is safer!
  • Keep the path along and to your property passable.

The municipality takes care of all the main roads, lanes and bike paths that need to remain easily accessible. Together, we will come a long way!

Preventive gritting

During the winter season, the municipality gritters before it gets slippery. When snow falls (heavily), not only is gritting done, but snow plows are also used. If the roads and streets remain slippery due, for example, to persistent black ice, the municipality also gritters while it is slippery.

In some locations, the municipality grits manually. For example, on pedestrian bridges, stairs, entrances to public and special buildings. If it remains extremely slippery, the municipality tries to minimize nuisance by other means. Report your complaint or nuisance to the municipality