Tiles out, greenery in!

Plant packages were collected from the municipality of Heerlen during the first weekend of May by the approximately 50 participants of Operation Steenbreek. A total of 394 packages were distributed, making 394 square meters of tiles disappear for greenery. A nice step towards a greener city!

With Operation Steenbreek, the municipality of Heerlen encourages citizens to green their front and back gardens: take out the tiles, put in the greenery! Participants can get plant packages for up to 12 m² of garden. They have to remove the tiles and put the plants in the ground themselves.

Sandra van den Beuken of Nature Inclusive Landscape supports the municipality in this. After people register with her, she visits them and together they make a plan. See our page about Operation Stonebreaking.

Good thing

Alderman Marco Peters: "As a municipality we are committed to rigorous greening. With Operation Stonebreaking we encourage our residents to do this themselves. This way we can make a real difference in the places where it is most needed!"