Apply for Certificate of Conduct
A Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) shows that you have behaved well in the past. Employers and other organizations may ask for it. You can apply for the VOG at Justis or at the municipality.
First fill out the application form, have it signed and stamped by the organization you work for.
Then make an appointment to come to the front desk. You cannot stop by without an appointment.
U kunt een VOG op 2 manieren aanvragen: online via Justis, of schriftelijk via de gemeente.
Apply online
Here's how to apply for a VOG online:
- The organization that needs the VOG from you will prepare the application for you online. Is the organization unable to do so? Then apply for the VOG in writing.
- You will receive an e-mail containing a link to the Justis website.
- Click on the link and log in with your DigiD.
- Check your information.
- You choose whether you want to receive the VOG on paper or in your online Message Box on MijnOverheid .
- You pay for the VOG online with iDeal.
Written request
This is how you apply for a VOG in writing:
- Vraag een aanvraagformulier aan bij de organisatie die uw VOG wil hebben.
- Complete the application form.
- Make an appointment at the municipality where you are registered.
- Come to the appointment and Bring along :
- the completed application form
- your valid ID
- U betaalt de VOG bij de afspraak.
- The municipality forwards your application to Justis.
- You will receive the VOG at home.
The organization asking for a VOG must put a signature or stamp on the application form.
You can also bring a letter or mail from the employer stating that you need to apply for a VOG. Emigration and some court cases are exceptions.
You can apply for a VOG from abroad directly to Justis by email: