General feed ban

This is an old post.

Throughout Heerlen, it is prohibited to feed wildlife such as geese, ducks pigeons and other birds. This prohibition is included in the APV, which was finally adopted by the city council on Wednesday, Jan. 31.

Many people enjoy feeding birds and other animals. It is often well-intentioned, but it is not good for the animals. It is important that they look for natural food themselves: seeds, insects and greenery from nature. Bread and other human food make them sick. Even though they like to eat it.


The animals are often fed in the same spot. As a result, more and more birds flock to those spots. This causes more and more nuisance birds and bird droppings.

Food left on the street goes moldy, which in turn attracts rats, mice and other pests. Not only does it look messy, it is also unhealthy. 

The feed ban came after the City Council unanimously passed a motion on the subject in 2022.

Bird feeding?

Don't feed your sandwiches to the little birds. It makes them sick

Read more

Limiting nuisance pigeons

Not feeding also helps reduce the population of pigeons. And thus the nuisance as well. 

  1. Completed: Council decision feed ban -

    The feed ban was adopted by the council.

  2. Currently in progress: Campaign awareness -

    A campaign was launched to make residents aware. Publication in city newspaper and more.

  3. Still to do: End feeding pigeons -

    Residents are aware of feed ban