Signs for free speech

In twelve places in Heerlen there are billboards on which you may post without a permit. On these boards you may hang posters and posters expressing opinions and announcements. Political parties participating in elections are allowed to put up posters here.


Free speech signs you may use for free.


It is not permitted to use these billboards for displaying commercial advertising. 

The signs can be found at the following locations:

  • Governor Baron van Hövellplein - Hoensbroek
  • Heulsstraat - Heerlerheide
  • Mgr. Hanssenstraat/Roebroekweg - Heksenberg
  • Zeswegenlaan thv shopping center - Zeswegen
  • Castle Avenue Meezenbroek
  • Palemigerboord at the gas station
  • Parallelweg/Drossaardstraat
  • Avenue of the Muses
  • Voskuilenweg near the shopping plaza - Molenberg
  • Tacitus Street/Benzenraderweg
  • J.F. Kennedy Avenue at the gas station
  • Bautscherweg near the shopping center - Heerlerbaan