Paying fire department fees

Does the fire department take action on your behalf and does not involve extinguishing fires, fighting disasters or providing assistance? Then the municipality may bill you for it.


That's how you pay fire department fees:

  • You will receive a bill from the municipality. It states:
    • the amount
    • why you should pay this
    • To which account number to transfer the amount


Sometimes the fire department is requested for other work that is not an emergency. For example:

  • Breaking down a front door because someone locked themselves out
  • road cleaning
  • connecting a property to the fire alarm system
  • checking a chimney with a smoke test

These types of tasks are not standard for the fire department, but they do cost money. That's why the municipality may ask for a fee. You pay for the gear, but also for the services.


The conditions for paying fire department fees include:

  • The fire department has incurred costs for you that are not part of its standard duties.

Objection and appeal

You can object to municipality 's bill for fire department fees. Do so within 6 weeks at municipality. After that, do you disagree with the ruling on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.

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