Youth Culture Fund

All children should be able to participate in cultural activities. For example, by being a member of a music or drama society, taking an artistic course or activity.
Unfortunately, this is not financially possible for all children. The Youth Culture Fund can offer help then.


As a parent or caregiver, you cannot apply to the Youth Culture Fund or the municipality of Heerlen yourself.
Someone involved in the upbringing and care of the child can make the application. For example, a teacher, school principal, social worker, family doctor or social worker. Someone who knows your child and/or home situation.

Leergeld Foundation

The Leergeld foundation can also help. They support in 4 areas:

  • education
  • sport
  • welfare
  • culture


There are many cultural offerings in Heerlen and the region, including for children. Examples include taking guitar lessons, dance lessons or a painting course.
The Youth Culture Fund is there for children and young people aged 4 to 18 who for financial reasons cannot
participate to cultural activities.

The fund pays the tuition and the necessary materials. For children who live in the municipality of Heerlen this is a maximum of € 550 per 12 months.
After approval of the application, the cultural institution sends the bill to the fund. The fund pays the bill directly to the institution and/or store where materials were ordered.


  • The family income does not exceed 120% of the welfare standard.
  • If the income does increase, you must justify why there is still not enough money to pay for the activity for the child himself.