Filing a complaint about the municipality

If you feel that you have not been treated well by an employee of the municipality, you can file a complaint with the municipality.


Prefer to communicate your complaint using the online form.

But you may also call, email or write.

Pass on:

  • your name and address
  • a description of your complaint
  • the date of the event

Do you give us permission to be contacted by e-mail? Please also check the in-box and spam-box of your mail.


You may be dissatisfied with how you have been treated by an employee or administrator of the municipality. You can then file a complaint with the municipality. We will then contact you.


This complaint resolution does not deal with reports, such as the street lights not working properly or a loose sidewalk tile.


We will handle your complaint within six weeks. We may extend that period by four weeks.

Objection and appeal

If you disagree with the municipality's decision on your complaint, contact the National Ombudsman.