Legalization signature

By having your signature legalized, you can prove that it is genuine. You can have this done by the municipality.


This allows you to have your signature legalized.

  • You go to the congregation and bring with you:
    • your valid ID
    • the document you wish to sign
  • You put your signature while an official is present.
  • You pay for legalization.

You may also want to have your signature legalized by a notary public.


€20.15 (2025)
Please pay by debit card.


A legalized signature proves that your signature is genuine. This is necessary, for example, if you are receiving visitors from abroad who need to apply for a visa. A company or organization may also ask for it. The legalization only proves that your signature is genuine. It says nothing about the content of the document or completed form.

You sign the document or form in front of the municipality official. The official compares that signature with the signature on your ID.

  • Diploma legalization
    To legalize a diploma, you must report to DUO.
  • Legalization foreign documents
    Of these, the signature can also be legalized. We do not look at the content of the document. We only certify that the citizen signed at the counter in the presence of an official.


You will receive the legalization immediately.