Maintaining buyers register

Do you want to trade in second-hand goods? Then you must keep a buyers' register or apply for an exemption. You can do this at municipality.

Buying stolen goods is a criminal offense. Are you the selling party? You must provide identification. Are you a buyer? Register the seller's information in your registry. Are you reselling the goods? If so, also register the buyer's details.


This is how you keep the buyers' register:

  • You register:
    • a unique serial number for each commodity purchased
    • the date of transfer
    • a description of the property
    • the make, type and serial number. In the absence of unique characteristics, such as jewelry, you are required to include a clear color photograph of the good in the record
    • The purchase or sale price and other conditions of transfer
    • the name and address of the seller or buyer
    • country of origin, type and number of the seller's legally valid identification document
  • You check whether the goods are registered as stolen on
  • You may sell the purchased goods after 5 days, during which time you must leave the goods in the condition as purchased (e.g. do not repaint, remelt or disassemble) 

Here's how to start your buyers' registry:

  • Please contact the municipality
  • In any case, you pass on:
    • your valid ID
    • A recent certificate of registration in the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register
    • what goods you do buy up and resell
    • from when you want to sell the goods


There is no cost associated with using the digital buyers register.


If you deal in used goods, you must keep a certified buyers register. Or register your items in a Digital Buyers Register (DOR). This also applies to trading over the Internet. Does someone sell items to you for resale? Then this person must identify themselves. You then put in the register which items you bought and from whom. In this way the municipality wants to combat fencing. Buying stolen goods is punishable by law.

The municipality and police want to crack down on fencing as well as crimes that have a high impact on victims, such as burglaries and street robberies.

Keeping a purchasing register is mandatory. The municipality Heerlen has also instituted the requirement that merchants also maintain a sales register in the Digital Buyers Register


The requirements for maintaining a buyers' register are:

  • You are a trader. If you are going to start as a trader, please notify municipality at least 3 days before you start.
  • You will deal in second-hand goods such as:
    • used goods
    • occasional goods, such as remnants, return goods or warehouse remnants
    • gold, silver, copper and precious stones
    • watches and clocks
    • art
    • cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles
    • photographic, film, radio, audio and video equipment
    • computers, laptops, tablets and cell phones

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