Benefit for older and disabled unemployed people

Are you an older unemployed worker and no longer entitled to WW or WGA benefits? You may be eligible for IOAW benefit. This benefit supplements your income up to the social assistance level.


We do not have a separate procedure for applying for IOAW benefits. We ask you to fill out the notification form for welfare benefits. Once we receive your report, we will invite you for an interview at Maanplein No. 88. We will then consider whether you qualify for benefits under the IOAW or the Participation Act.


The IOAW applies to older unemployed workers. The difference with welfare benefits is that the IOAW does not look at your assets. You can keep your savings, your own house or your boat. However, we do deduct your and your partner's income from or in connection with employment from your benefit. Other types of income and income from boarders will not be deducted. 

The number of people in your household determines the amount of your benefit. If you live with more people in the house, you can share living expenses and your benefit will be lower. This does not apply to resident children under 21, students and commercial relations (tenants).


You are entitled to the IOAW if:

  • You were born before January 1, 1965 and
  • you became unemployed after age 50 and received full wage-related WW benefits and continuation benefits; or
  • you became entitled to WGA benefits after age 50 but lost those benefits because you were less than 35% incapacitated at the reexamination.  

The cost-sharing standard 

Effective July 1, 2015, a cost-sharing standard was introduced in the IOAW. The cost-sharing standard only applies to single persons.
If the cost-sharing standard applies to you, your benefit of 70% of the statutory minimum wage will be reduced in steps starting July 1, 2015. On January 1, 2019, your benefit will then still be 50% of the minimum wage.

The cost-sharing standard does not apply:

  • If you are cohabiting partners
  • for persons up to 27 years of age
  •  for students
  • cohabitants with a commercial relationship. This includes, for example, commercial room rental, boarderhood

If you are a single person and not a breadwinner, you will receive 70% of the legal minimum wage.  


It may take several weeks for the first payout. Are you in need of money because of this? Then you can ask for an advance. Please contact municipality for this.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.

More information can be found at: Filing an Objection.