Statement under oath or promise about personal data

Don't have documents from an official event abroad, such as a marriage or death? Then make a statement about your personal information at municipality.


This is how you make a statement about your personal data:

  • You are going to the municipality.
  • You bring all your official documents, such as a passport or driver's license.
  • You take the oath or pledge. The declaration will be in writing and signed by you.


Of an official event abroad, you must submit the official documents to municipality. For example, if you got married abroad or had a child there.

Are you unable to provide these documents? Then it is sometimes possible to make a statement under oath or promise. After this, municipality will still enter the data in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP). Whether you choose the oath or the promise depends on your philosophy of life. The municipality checks your declaration in other registers if possible.

It is a criminal offense to pass on false information under oath or promise.

When do we make a statement under oath?

  • An initial registration in the BRP.
  • An oral or written request by the citizen for records.


The condition for making a statement about your personal data is:

  • You cannot submit the required documents to the municipality.