File request about personal data after enforcement

Extraordinary investigating officers (boas) collect and store various personal data from you. You have a number of rights over this personal data. Make a request about your personal data to the municipality.


This is how you submit a request about your personal data:

  • You make your request in writing to the municipality.
  • Use a sample letter. Or create your own letter.
  • Put in your letter:
    • your full name
    • your date of birth
    • your address
    • what your request is and what personal data it is about (for example, have your date of birth corrected)


The municipality employs special investigating officers (boas). They ensure that the municipality remains safe and livable. Boas work together with the police.

Boas sometimes need personal data from you. For example, when they check who you are. Or when they issue a fine. Your personal data is processed and stored in different ways. This is done in a careful, safe and transparent way. This is mandatory.

You have the right to know how your personal data is processed. You can ask for:

  • view your personal data
  • improve your data
  • complete your data
  • delete or mask your data
  • Process your data less extensively
  • get information on:
    • What is the legal basis for the processing
    • how long the data will be kept
    • Which organizations, companies or individuals received your information
    • automatic decisions based on your personal data (profiling)

You should get a clear answer. But your request cannot always be carried out. For example, if your personal data is needed as evidence, you cannot have it deleted.


The Requirements In any case, the following are required to submit a request regarding personal data:

  • A special investigating officer (boa) recorded the personal data.
  • The boa works for the municipality.
  • Personal data of:
    • yourself
    • A child under 16 (you are the legal representative)
    • someone whose interests you legally represent (you are the trustee)
    • someone who has given you special authorization (you are the lawyer)
  • Your request does not endanger others. For example, a witness.
  • Your request does not interfere with justice. For example, you may not have evidence removed. Even if it contains personal data.
  • Your request is reasonable. The municipality may refuse your request if, for example, you make the same type of request more often.


The municipality will respond to your request within 6 weeks. The municipality may extend this period once by 4 to 6 weeks. The municipality will let you know in writing if the deadline is extended.

Have you asked to correct or delete personal data? If so, you will receive a response within 4 weeks.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your request about your personal data. Do this within 6 weeks. After that, do you disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.

Need help with your objection or appeal? Ask the Personal Data Authority for mediation.

Don't get a clear answer to your request for information? File a complaint with the Personal Data Authority.