Request about personal data based on the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP)
The Basic Registration of Persons (BRP) contains your personal data, such as your address, marital status, gender and nationality.
The municipality keeps your data and uses it to carry out its duties. The data are not public. The BRP Act states which organizations may obtain data, for example the tax authorities or pension funds.
This is how you request a request about personal data from the basic registration of persons:
- Not applying online? Make an appointment by phone.
- Please bring valid identification.
Are you making the request for another person? If so, you also need:
- A written authorization from that other person.
- A copy of that other person's identification.
Rate 2024
- Requesting inspection and correction of your personal data is free of charge
- € 12.30 for online application of the extract BRP
- € 19.60 for requesting the extract BRP at the counter or in writing
Please pay by pin.
At you can view your personal data. Log in with your DigiD.
On MijnOverheid you can see the (government) organizations that receive your changed data (e.g. your move). For each (government) organization it is explained which BRP data the organization may use and for what purpose. These are only centrally stored data. You will not see data that the municipality shares in local registries. Questions or comments about the use of BRP data? The site refers you to (the website of) the organizations that use the data.
Who gets my data?
Then check out the website: Who GetsMy
Which institutions requested my data?
Request online an Overview BRP data online.
At the municipality you can also view and change your data.
You have a number of rights. These allow you to gain more insight and control over your personal data.
You can check with the municipality about how we use your personal data. You have the right to:
- Information. You can find out who gets your information. For more information, visit the website of the Rijksoverheid
- Insight. What data about you is recorded.
- Correct, supplement or delete inaccurate personal data.
If your information is incorrect in the BRP, you must be able to prove it. You must be able to show what the correct information is; for example, with a marriage certificate.
Have your personal data changed? If so, you must apply for a new proof of identity. Your old passport, ID card or driver's license is no longer valid. You must turn these documents in to the municipality. If you want to keep the old documents, the municipality will invalidate it for you and get it back.
The municipality processes your application within four weeks.