Board of Mayor and Aldermen

The College of Mayor and Aldermen is the day-to-day administration of a municipality. The coalition is formed from the political parties: SP, CDA, VVD, D66, PvdA, GroenLinks, Partij voor de Dieren and Partij Hoensbroeks Belang.

The coalition aims to continue building a social, sustainable, vibrant and economically vital city in the coming years. 

Coalition Agreement

The coalition agreement contains the main goals for the college's policies. The parties in the coalition put this agreement together. The largest party invites other parties to join in. Together they must agree on the goals. The final agreement is a compromise between all parties.

The current agreement, "Out of Love for our City," follows the line of the previous administration. It emphasizes social policy, livable neighborhoods and culture. There is extra attention to Heerlen-North, the center, going green and fighting energy poverty.

Read the full coalition agreement (download pdf).


Mayor Roel Wever

Councilman Jordy Clemens

Councilwoman Arlette Vrusch 

Councilman Marco Peters

Councilman Martin de Beer

Councilman Casper Gelderblom

Please note that the declarations are published about six months later after they have been adopted in the College meeting. Therefore, the declarations from the last two quarters are not yet on there.