Submit enforcement request

If you think someone is not following the rules, please report it to municipality.

You can ask municipality to take action against this. This is called a request for enforcement. A request for enforcement is not the same as a complaint or report.


Here's how to file an enforcement request:

  • First, check whether it is an enforcement request for a municipality or whether the request belongs to another government agency.
  • Complete and submit the application form.


You can ask municipality to enforce the rules. For example:

  • illegal dumping of waste
  • soil that has been contaminated
  • odor nuisance
  • noise pollution
  • unwanted advertising (outside)
  • building without permission
  • illegal rentals or other misuse of buildings

You then make an enforcement request. Then the municipality looks at whether the rules are being violated. If they are, the municipality can take action against the company or individual violating the rules.


The condition for filing an enforcement request is that you have a direct interest in complying with the rules. That means the enforcement request is about something that directly affects you or your immediate living environment.

Do you not have a direct interest? Then you can file a public space notification.


The municipality is required to respond to your enforcement request. The municipality will do so within 8 weeks of receiving your request. The municipality may extend this deadline once.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your enforcement request. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.