Help with money problems

Do you have debts? Do you receive reminders or are you sometimes unable to pay your bills? You can ask us for help.
The debt counselling team will talk to you and help you with questions about money. You can drop in weekly during the walk-in consultation hour. A Make an appointment is not necessary.

Make an appointment (at Maanplein)

Telephone Make an appointment

Or walk in during walk-in hours

Are you an administrator? Then make an appointment with the administrator desk


Health that you have your passport or identity card at hand.

Would you like to make image calls? 

Call 045-5605040, choose option 2 and then option 5. Tell them you would like an image calling appointment. Want to know how it works and what you need? Check out the information on image calling.


We review your situation and then work with you. We look with you at your arrears, budgeting questions to prevent arrears and debt. Or we make arrangements. We also look at debt and sign you up for debt settlement or rehabilitation. 

You can visit the walk-in clinic weekly.

This can be done at two locations:

  • Municipality of Heerlen, Geleenstraat 25
    Every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Neighborhood Center The Koffiepot, Kasteel Hoensbroeklaan 190, Hoensbroek
    Every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Opening hours may vary during school vacations.

Is it an urgent situation?

Then don't wait and contact us by phone. The first call is within 3 business days. Urgent situations are:

  • Eviction.
  • Disconnection of gas, water and light.
  • Termination of your health insurance.


To receive assistance, you must only be registered in the municipality of Heerlen.


Within 4 weeks you will receive the first interview.
Is it an urgent situation? Then the first interview will be within 3 working days.

Weekly walk-in clinic:

  • Municipality of Heerlen, Geleenstraat 25
    Every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Neighborhood Center The Koffiepot, Kasteel Hoensbroeklaan 190, Hoensbroek
    Every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

    Not open during school vacations.