News summary

  • Making Aarveld more sustainable: a big step forward

    Heerlen is taking the next step in making the city more sustainable. In the Aarveld neighborhood, we gave the go-ahead on Friday for the renovation of 90 homes owned by housing corporation Wonen Zuid. These homes from the sixties, we will thoroughly tackle to make them more energy efficient and comfortable.

  • First Heerlen Social Safety vignette for RKHBS!

    Soccer club RKHBS was the first club in Heerlen to receive a voucher worth 300 euros and the vignette Social Safety Heerlen. They have a confidential contact person (VCP), a code of conduct, a VOG (certificate of good conduct) for all volunteers and trainers and all trainers and coaches are professionally trained.

  • Safer environment Frans Postmaschool

    The Frans Postmaschool in Beersdal has concluded this year's step-step challenge. Several traffic calming measures have been installed in the school area, making it a much safer place.

  • Interventions for safer school routes

    The Municipality of Heerlen has begun the installation of traffic-calming measures on a number of school routes in the city. These include speed humps and plateaus to reduce the speed of traffic and increase traffic safety.

  • 147 new homes in Slakhorst

    The municipality of Heerlen has granted a permit for the construction of 147 new homes in the Slakhorst neighborhood, Hoensbroek. This project, developed by housing corporation Woonpunt, will provide a mix of family and life-course housing and greatly improve the neighborhood.

  • Politically Active Course

    Do you want to know more about local politics and how you can actively contribute? The Heerlen municipal council offers a unique opportunity to residents with an interest in politics! From the beginning of 2025, the Heerlen municipal council will start the Politically Active course.

  • Heerlen honors Trade Union ABW with street name

    In tribute to Vakbond ABW, in honor of Heerlen's 80-year liberation, Heerlen is getting a new street name: the "Vakbond ABW path. The street name has been assigned to a path near Nieuw Eyckholt near the union's headquarters.

  • Richtig Heële from this carnival season also in Heëlehei and Gebrook

    Aod òp Nuj launched our town into the new carnival season singing and jumping on Sunday, November 10, 2024. The carnival campaign Richtig Heële was launched last season in Heële Centrum and from now on expands to Heëlehei and Gebrook. With Richtig Heële, Richtig Heëlehei and Richtig Gebrook, Heerlen wants to profile itself even more as a city where we celebrate carnival in a unique way.

  • 30 new homes on site of former Franck lumberyard

    The municipality of Heerlen has granted an environmental permit for the construction of 30 homes on the courtyard between Willemstraat and Oude Kerkstraat in Heerlen, on the site of the former Franck lumber yard. The municipality worked with project developer HVG Real Estate b.v. to develop the plan, which responds to the demand for quality and affordable housing.