News summary

  • Balancing between investing and cutting back

    Framework for budget 2025-2028

  • Heerlen residents can suggest theme for citizens' meeting

    Preparations for the citizens' council are in full swing. Until June 2, 2024, anyone can propose a theme. A theme that you think is important for the city.

  • Proud of Hoensbroek Center

    Residents, business owners and visitors of Hoensbroek Centrum entered into a conversation about the future development of the area. This happened during a meeting on Thursday evening, May 16, at Amicitia.

  • MET ggz not moving to Main Street-West

    The college has decided that the establishment of MET ggz in the building on the Hoofdstraat-West in Hoensbroek is not appropriate in this situation. The college will work with MET ggz to find an alternative solution.

    Logo municipality Heerlen
  • Municipality Heerlen, Maastricht and Sittard-Geleen conclude pact Student Housing South Limburg

    For the further development of the growing knowledge industry in South Limburg, sufficient and good student housing is of great importance. The municipalities of Heerlen, Maastricht and Sittard-Geleen are seeking cooperation in this regard.

  • Heerlen participates in the NK Tile Twisting

    The municipality Heerlen participates in the Dutch Tile Wheeling Championship. Are you participating?

  • Tiles out, greenery in!

    During the first weekend of May, planting packets were collected by the approximately 50 participants of Operation Stone Break. A total of 394 packets were handed out, eliminating 394 square meters of tiles for greenery.

  • 12 Royal Awards

    Friday, April 26, the annual Lintjesregen took place in the municipality Heerlen. 12 Heerlen citizens received a Royal Decoration from King Willem-Alexander and were appointed Member in the Order of Orange Nassau.

  • Heerlen loses full-fledged hospital

    Today the plans for the future of the Zuyderland hospital in Heerlen and Sittard were announced. The governing table has decided that Heerlen will become a location for low-complex care and that high-complex care will be housed in Sittard. Absolutely unacceptable according to Heerlen.