News summary

  • Tiles out, greenery in!

    During the first weekend of May, planting packets were collected by the approximately 50 participants of Operation Stone Break. A total of 394 packets were handed out, eliminating 394 square meters of tiles for greenery.

  • 12 Royal Awards

    Friday, April 26, the annual Lintjesregen took place in the municipality Heerlen. 12 Heerlen citizens received a Royal Decoration from King Willem-Alexander and were appointed Member in the Order of Orange Nassau.

  • Heerlen loses full-fledged hospital

    Today the plans for the future of the Zuyderland hospital in Heerlen and Sittard were announced. The governing table has decided that Heerlen will become a location for low-complex care and that high-complex care will be housed in Sittard. Absolutely unacceptable according to Heerlen.

  • Service survey results are out

    In November 2023, every Heerlen resident was able to complete municipality Heerlen's service survey. The results are now available. On average, the services of municipality Heerlen received a 6.6.

  • New pupil transportation incentive scheme

    Children who are entitled to pupil transport may (subject to conditions) receive a one-time reimbursement of 500 euros for a new bicycle. With this scheme, municipality Heerlen wants to encourage the independence of this group of children as much as possible.

    Logo municipality Heerlen
  • Problems with facade masonry City Office

    Problems have been discovered in the grouting of the facade masonry of the new city office of municipality Heerlen. One brick has come loose in one place and the grouting is cracking at several corners.

    Logo municipality Heerlen
  • Heerlen launches first medieval route with wonderful stories

    Who knows that the Schelmentoren used to be a residential tower and served as a prison tower during the period of the billygoat riders? With a route of 3.2 kilometers, the participant will have the unique opportunity to relive Heerlen's medieval past through fascinating stories.

  • Messages about your Neighborhood in your mail

    Many decisions made by the government directly affect your neighborhood. What renovation does your neighbor want to have done to their house? May that tree in your street be cut down? Your municipality and other government organizations are required to announce this (digitally). We call these announcements 'Messages about your Neighborhood'.

    Logo municipality Heerlen
  • State secretary Gräper visits Heerlen

    Last Monday, State Secretary for Culture and Media, Fleur Gräper, was in Heerlen for a working visit. During her visit, she showed interest in, among other things, the broad significance that culture can have for a city and its inhabitants. The role of culture in regions outside the Randstad was also discussed.