Relief for the chronically ill and disabled

Illness, disability and/or old age entail extra costs. You may be able to get money from the municipality for these costs: The Chronically Sick and Disabled Allowance.


Complete the online form.

Unable to apply online? Then contact us by phone: 045-5604333. We will send you the application form. After completing this, you can return it to us by mail or email.


The amount of the allowance is €125.00 per calendar year.


  • you are 18 years of age or older
  • you have used up the compulsory excess in the two years prior to the year you are applying for
  • your net income is lower than 120% of the applicable social assistance standard including holiday pay. The level of the social assistance standards can be found at rijksoverheid .nl
  • You have assets on the date of application that are less than:
    o Single person € 7,770.00
    o Married/cohabiting and single parent € 15,540.00

Note: If you receive a WAJONG/WIA/WAO/WAZ benefit from the UWV, you must not be more than 35% incapacitated for work. You will then receive a "disability allowance" from the UWV.


The municipality will make a decision within 8 weeks of receiving your application. We may extend this deadline once.
You can apply until March 1 of the following year at the latest.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then appeal to the court. More information can be found under: Filing an objection.