Fit and Fun arrangement
The Fit and Fun scheme is for all Heerlen residents aged 18 years or older who have a minimum income. The benefit is a contribution to the cost of individual community, social, sports and/or cultural activities.
Want to know if it makes sense to apply? Then check out CalculateYourRight. Within a few minutes you will know if you can apply.
Apply for the allowance online. Do so on time: your application must reach the municipality by December 31 at the latest. You will not receive the allowance retroactively.
The application form tells you what supporting documents you need to include.
Are you already receiving monthly welfare payments?
Every year in January, we review who with welfare benefits is eligible for the allowance. Do you meet the conditions of the scheme? Then we pay out in February. So you do not have to apply for it yourself.
The counselor also considers whether you are entitled to Fit and Fun if you:
- applies for a monthly assistance benefit for living expenses or
- apply for special assistance and do not receive monthly benefits from the municipality
Are you entitled to this scheme? If so, you will receive it along with the decision on the assistance applications.
Don't have a monthly welfare payment?
Don't have welfare benefits or special assistance? Then apply for it yourself. We do not yet have information about your income.
The fee is €75.00 per person.
The conditions are:
- You are 18 years of age or older, and you receive monthly welfare benefits or IOAW or IOAZ benefits from the municipality.
- You have another income, not higher than 110% of the social assistance standard. That norm can vary and depends on age and family situation.
- You do not receive or could be entitled to student loans.
The municipality makes a decision within 8 weeks. We may extend this deadline once.
Objection and appeal
You can object to the decision on your application within 6 weeks. The decision will tell you how to do that.